PBS Internal Grant (PBSIG)
- To advance knowledge in social science research.
- To inculcate a research culture in PBS.
- To nurture young and new researchers in PBS.
- To ensure sustainable research activities in PBS.
Terms of Application
- The ceiling amount for the year 2021 per project is RM6,000 for a duration of one year from the date of application.
- Internal grant application is open to all academic staff.
- Proposed project must carry some novelty and be of scholarly significance.
- Each project must have one (1) project leader and one (1) project member.
- To facilitate knowledge transfer, projects leaders who are lecturers or senior lecturers are encouraged to invite associate professor/professor to be a project member.
- Each researcher is allowed to hold only one (1) project leader and one (1) project member position in this special funding. This is to give more opportunities to as many researchers as possible.
- The project leader of this internal grant must agree to submit at least one external research grant proposal to funding agencies during year 2021 upon securing the internal grant.
- Project extension is allowed at the discretion of the Research & Innovation Committee.
Financial Regulations
a. Approved Funding Allocation
- Approved funding allocation will be allocated and spent during the approved project duration only based on the spending plan by the Project Leader and as PBS Standard Financial Guidelines.
b. Virement Between Budget Category
- Virement can be done two (2) times only during the project duration and between the same budget category only. For example, virement between budget TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION and budget RESEARCH MATERIALS AND SUPPLY. Both are categorised as OPEX budget category.
- Any virement application should be accompanied with strong justifications.
c. Temporary and Contract Personnel (OPEX)
- Salary is for the appointment of part time Research Officer/Student Worker (RO/SW) only for the purpose of data collection.
- Allowance for RO/SW is capped at RM55 per day with a maximum of 20 days in a month.
d. Travel and Transportation (OPEX)
- Field trips for data collection and official meeting with registered industry collaborators only are allowed.
- Application for conference/workshop sponsorship shall be submitted to PBS R&I Committee for consideration.
- Only one conference participation in international conference held locally or in any ASEAN countries is allowed.
- Budget cap for participation fees (conference and travel) is RM3,000.00.
e. Research Materials and Supplies (OPEX)
- Only research materials and supplies necessary for the conduct of research is allowed. Purchase of office stationery (paper, pen, external hard disk, pen drive etc.) is now allowed with a cap of RM500.
- Purchase of assets like printer, laptop, tab etc. is not allowed.
- Any purchase of books is not allowed.
- Subscription to data analysis software is allowed during the duration of the
project only. - For claims purposes, only electronic receipts are accepted.
f. Maintenance and Minor Repair Services (OPEX)
- Only expenses for repairs and modifications of research equipment or other items related to the research are allowed.
g. Special Equipment and Accessories (CAPEX)
- Any capital expenditure is not allowed.
h. Professional Services
- Conference fees
- Publications fees (allowed for journals indexed by WoS, Scopus (Q3 and above) and ERA only)
- Enumerator fees
- Proofreading fees with a cap of RM16 per page consistent with the fee charged by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP)
Note: Please show all computations used to derive the expenses quoted.
- Final recommendation will be made by Research & Innovation Committee.
- All researchers are required to publish at least one (1) publication in journals indexed by WoS, Scopus (Q3 and above) and ERA.
- Acknowledgement to Internal Grant must be clearly stated in each publication.
- You will be required to submit the progress monitoring report and end of project report to RMC.
PBS Internal Grant Application Checklist

Process Flow for PBS Internal Grant Application
HP001 Job Application Form (for Research Officers/Student Worker to fill in)
RMC004 PBS Internal Grant Application for Extension of Research Project